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Donate to SCOPE Youth

Please donate money, goods, or time to SCOPE Youth and support the work of THRIVE 365, Rainbow Café, Sources of Strength, Botvin LifeSkills Training, CADCA, or the 2024 Youth Summit. Your donations help us serve the youth of Socorro. To set up a one-time or monthly cash donation, please get in touch with our director, Samantha Winter, at To donate goods to SCOPE Youth, please see our immediate needs below. Or use our PayPal link:

Thank you for your support!

Immediate Donation Needs


Domino's Gift Cards

SCOPE Youth enjoy having pizza or hot wings during THRIVE 365 or Rainbow Café meetings. Our grants often do not cover the cost of food. Consider donating two Domino's $25 gift cards to an upcoming meeting or event. 


Healthy Snacks

Pizza and hot wings are for special occasions, but healthy snacks like popcorn, bagel chips, and nuts are always welcome snacks that help young bodies grow strong. Consider donating healthy, whole-grain snacks to SCOPE Youth.

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Hygiene Items

Occasionally, SCOPE Youth ask for personal hygiene items like deodorant, toothpaste, lotion, and shampoo or conditioner. Consider purchasing personal hygiene items to help our young people in need. Every donation helps!

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